Inspecting Architect Services

Nicholas Warns is the Inspecting Architect for over 140 churches across East Anglia.

Quinquennial Inspection Reports ~ Within the Church of England every Church building must be inspected by an architect or chartered building surveyor approved by the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) every five years.  This regular system of review is designed to ensure that church buildings are kept in good repair.

The quinquennial report is one of the key documents which assists the Parochial Church Council (PCC) in the care and repair of a church building, for which it is legally responsible. It gives a snapshot of the repair needs of the building, and lists the repairs required according to their priority – we always try to identify the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.

It is also read by the DAC, the Archdeacon and by any grant-awarding bodies which the PCC approaches.

Church Architecture Gallery

Architect Accredited in Building Conservation

Nicholas Warns is on the register of ‘Architects Accredited in Building Conservation’ (AABC) and is therefore qualified to be the lead professional in projects applying for grant aid from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) or other grant awarding bodies.

Grant Application Assistance

Before submitting an application, the scope of work and full costs must be worked out and agreed. To be eligible for a grant, the work must have been identified in a recent Quinquennial Inspection Report as being necessary and urgent and needing to be undertaken within 2 years.

Nicholas Warns is an Inspecting Architect for

  • Diocese of Norwich
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia
  • Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
  • Diocese of Ely
  • Norfolk Churches Trust
  • Norwich Historic Buildings Trust

He has over 20 years experience of undertaking Quinquennial Inspections and writing Addendum Reports.

Nicholas can advise and assist in the whole Heritage Lottery Fund Application process.

Our Churches

Please see the map below showing the location of our churches. Correct as of May 2019

‘I would like to thank you for the work carried out on the Chancel. Great care was taken in the churchyard, the work was well executed and the working area left clean and tidy. This was much appreciated.’

Happisburgh PCC

Architects Registration Board
Copyright 2018 Nicholas Warns Architect Ltd
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