2019 John Betjeman Award – West Lexham Church

St Nicholas has been selected as a finalised for the 2019 John Betjeman Award for excellence in conservation. The award…

Herringfleet Church Repairs

A quick site inspection at the Church of St Margaret, Herringfleet. The church is undergoing vital conservation works, through a…

Corton Church Survey

Arial photographs taken during a survey at Corton, Church of St Bartholomew. Corton has received a grant of £28,300 from…

Site inspection at Herringfleet, Church of St Margaret

A quick site inspection at the Church of St Margaret, Herringfleet. The church is undergoing vital conservation works, through a…

Nicholas Warns – Inspecting Architect for Mutford, Church of St Andrew

Nicholas Warns has recently been appointed as the Inspecting Architect for Mutford, Church of St Andrew – For the Diocese…

Corton church celebrates a grant of £28,300

Corton, Church of St Bartholomew has been celebrating the award of £28,300 grant from the government’s Coastal Revival Fund. Architect…

Chancel East Window Repairs – North Walsham Church

Nicholas Warns Architect Ltd oversaw the restoration of the beautiful Chancel east window at North Walsham Church. A service to…

Old Buckenham Mill – Measured Survey

The Norfolk Windmills Trust have appointed us to carryout work at Old Buckenham Mill, Norfolk. Domenico D’Alessandro and Sam Roe…

Southwold Sacred Heart – securing £210,000 Heritage Lottery Fund Grant.

With the help of Project Architect Domenico D’Alessandro, we wish to congratulate Southwold Sacred Heart, on securing £210,000 Heritage Lottery…

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